Yuen Heng Wai

Ear Nose Throat Head & Neck Surgery
Otorhinolaryngology (Otology, Neurotology, Hearing Implants and Skull Base Surgery)


Treatment of ear diseases, e.g., hearing loss, vertigo (giddiness), tinnitus (noise in ear), ear infections and tumors


MMed (ORL)

Languages Spoken

Mandarin, English


A/Prof Yuen is an award-winning ENT surgeon with nearly 3 decades of clinical experience, recognized locally and internationally for his ENT expertise in hearing and ear surgery. After completing his basic and advanced ENT specialist training in Singapore, he won the prestigious Ministry of Health’s Health Manpower Development Plan Award (HMDP) for a subspecialty Fellowship in Otology, Neurotology, Hearing Implants and Skull Base Surgery at the world-famous Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto Canada from 2007-2008. Subsequently he was awarded a further training award for a second Fellowship at the prestigious Ear Science Institute Australia (Perth) from 2008- 2009.

A/Prof Yuen was formerly Director of Otology, Balance and Hearing Implant service at Changi General Hospital. Under his leadership, the service provided high quality hearing rehabilitation and multidisciplinary care for patients with hearing loss, dizziness, balance issues and hearing implants. It developed into a leading cochlear implant center, with strong research and clinical outcomes.

He is a highly sought-after cochlear implant surgeon locally and regionally, having performed hundreds of cochlear implant surgeries mentoring surgeons from Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia. He actively publishes research and sits on various journal editorial and review boards. He was elected Fellow of the American Neurotology Society in 2009 and in 2010, he received the Yahya Cohen Memorial Lectureship and Gold Medal for inner ear research. Since 2012, he has been on the Board of the Prosper Meniere Society. He is also a locally and internationally recognised speaker.

A/Prof Yuen is recognized for his teaching and education expertise. In 2019, he was awarded the SingHealth GCEO Excellence Award as a Distinguished Educator – the highest honor bestowed on an educator. He sits on various examination committees and remains deeply involved in the teaching and training of new generations of ENT surgeons.

Following his career in public service, his passion and dedication to patients spurred A/Prof Yuen to set up his private practice, where he is fully committed to provide a compassionate and patient listening ear, empathize with the patient and to provide accurate and timely diagnoses, as well as evidence-based and effective care, in the best interest of his patients in an authentic and comforting environment He received multiple service quality awards including the OneCGH Caring Award for exceptional compliments from his patient and the 2023 COVID-19 Resilience Medal for his selfless work during the pandemic.

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