Tan Jian Jing

The Cardio Clinic


Abnormal Heart Rhythm / Arrhythmia
Cardiac Arrest (Sudden Cardiac Death)
Coronary Artery Disease/Coronary Heart Disease
Heart Attack
Heart Failure
Valvular Heart Disease


MBBS (Singapore)
MMed (Singapore)
Certified Cardiac Rehabiltation Professional (CCRP)
ASCeXAM (Testemur)

Languages Spoken

Mandarin, English


Prior to private practice, ​Dr Tan served as a consultant with the Department of Cardiology at Changi General Hospital (CGH).

His interests lie in cardiac imaging and preventive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation.

Dr Tan believes in the importance of cardiac care in patients with cardiovascular disease as the key to improving their quality of life, and continues to raise awareness of this service.

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